Common Causes of Neck Pain: Understanding the Root Issues

Living with neck pain in Las Vegas, NV can reduce your quality of life. After all, a painful neck could affect your range of motion, disrupt sleep, and create headaches. A visit to the Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Las Vegas is a step toward reducing or eliminating such discomfort. Dr. Robert Odell and Dr. Stephen Shaw are the medical experts who can work on your neck and get to the root cause of lingering pain.

Common Causes

It's natural for your spinal discs to wear down as you age. This degeneration can also result from an injury or repetitive stress in the area. In addition to back pain, it causes neck pain and radiating pain in your arms and legs. 

When the spinal canal in your neck begins to narrow, it can create cervical stenosis. This may also happen due to disc degeneration or herniated discs. Speaking of bulging discs, bulging or herniated discs often result from injury or intense repetitive movement (such as heavy lifting). When your discs begin to bulge from their natural place in the spine, they can compress the nearby nerve and produce radiating pain or numbness.

If you have recently been in a vehicle accident and are now experiencing neck pain, you are likely dealing with whiplash. This is one of the most common car accident injuries. It happens when the neck rapidly snaps back and forth upon impact. You might not immediately feel the effects of whiplash, as the symptoms may take weeks to show up. Whiplash can create neck pain and stiffness while limiting your range of motion.

Effective Therapy

Regardless of the causes of your neck pain in Las Vegas, NV, there are many effective therapeutic options when you visit the team at Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Las Vegas. The team’s treatment methods differ depending on the extent and root cause of your neck injury. They might involve physical therapy, massage, or applying ice and heat. Doctors may advise you to modify certain lifestyle activities to alleviate pain. Come to the office for therapeutic ultrasound, radio frequency therapy, trigger point injections, PRP, and more.

Dealing with chronic neck pain in Las Vegas, NV can reduce your quality of life, limit movement, and make it hard to sleep. Prevent these problems by seeking help from the experts at Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Las Vegas. Dr. Odell and Dr. Shaw are compassionate and highly skilled physicians who will use a tailored treatment program to help you. Call us at 702-257-PAIN to get started.

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